Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blogs, Bloggers, and Podcasting

Blogging and podcasting are great ways of finding out about what is happening in the world, things that one might never even know about. There are blogs and podcasts of all kinds of things, politics, entertainment, and educational, anything you can think of. From your own home you can communicate with others, anywhere in the world, who share these interests.

The blogs that I have been reading are The TED Blog and Long Views blog which have talks by people who are concerned about the future of mankind both physically and spiritually. The podcasts that I have listened to have allowed me to "attend" seminars that would otherwise be impossible to be a part of. I have listened to some Dharma lectures and seminars sponsored by the Long Now Foundation. In my blog I have links to some of these talks.

Blogging has had a profound effect on society. The viral level of communication has given grassroots organizations more power with the ability to raise money and to connect to millions of people with the click of a button. The bi-directionality of this communication has given bloggers a more accurate picture of "what is going on". It's nice to see this revitalization of democracy.

1 comment:

sillygoosette said...

Your site is very artfully done! Keep up the good work.

Lisa Davis (coin63)